Friday, April 3, 2009

Oh the 80's

80's music is awesomely bad. The lyrics make no sense, the beats are futuristic and weird, and the videos are insane. That's why I love it. It's embarrassing to admit, but 80's music would have to be my guilty pleasure. So, with that being said, I've been watching the "100 Greatest One Hit Wonders" on Vh1 this week and I decided to make my own list of my favorite 80's songs. Here are what I believe to be the quintessential "members only" decade tunes:

1. A-Ha- "Take On Me"

When I first saw the video I really liked the comic book coming to life and it has an awesome beat.

2. Hall and Oates - "You Make My Dreams Come True"

LOOK AT THIS VIDEO. What kind of craziness is this? There is nothing more 80's than this song. Whenever I hear it I think of Adam Sandler movies, cause its the type of song that would be in one. Also, I'm pretty sure my Dad had the same moustache as Hall or Oates. I don't remember which one is which.

3. Modern English- "I Melt With You"

You know it's 80's when the budget for the video looks like it was $25 dollars. Great song.

4. Peter Gabriel- "Sledge Hammer"

You know this video BLOWS YOUR MIND!

5. Tears For Fears- "Everybody Wants To Rule The World"

Best Beat of the 80's. Holla.

Obviously, this was a hard top five because there are a billion 80's songs out there. I'm just scratching the surface people. Feel free to comment on any you think I may have missed.


  1. How dare you not rank INXS' 'Never Tear Us Apart' at least in the top3???

  2. I told you it was a very hard choice!
