Saturday, March 28, 2009

I'm not a hater!

I was reading my last post and I thought it sounded a little too angry. You may think I hate the internet judging by that entry, but I don't. I just think it gets out of hand sometimes and people take the internet too seriously. I like to think of it in terms of Uncle Ben, "With great power comes great responsibility." Remember that internet. We have so much information at the touch of our fingertips, but now we also have a slew of problems. Identity theft, computer virus's, machines rising up and killing us in our sleep... you know, that kinda thing. I can't hate on the internet though. It makes me laugh. Besides, if I was totally against the internet I wouldn't be able to find things like this:

All I can say is my brothers and sister-in-law's better watch out. I think I just found your anniversary gifts. Happy webjunk hunting!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Is Twitter the new portal of evil?

Twitter. Where do I begin? You know, it's bad enough that I am on Facebook, LinkedIn, and I have a blog, so why in God's name do I need a Twitter account? In case you don't know Twitter is a new social networking site, or as the creators describe it, "a free social messaging utility for staying connected in real-time." Why? What is next? We are all going to get the internet hooked up to our veins? "Dude, I'm texting you every time my heart beats!"

That's not even the worst part. Not only are us regular people on it, but celebs are too. Totally awesome! Again, I ask why? Why do I need to know that Matthew McConaughey is eating a ham sandwich right at this moment? Or that Ashton Kutcher is totally in love with his "hot wifey, Demi Moore?" Yes, he calls her wifey I know this because his Twitter page made the headlines of Yahoo news. Because of this ridiculousness I am pronouncing Twitter as the new portal of evil.

So, as you can see, I am very bewildered by this site. I just don't get it. Honestly, I don't think that I am interesting enough to be "tweet-ing" every thing I do at every second. I can tell you right now: I'm in my sweat pants, drinking coffee, and job hunting online. Mystery solved. This was all until a friend of mine messaged me and told me she found a job via Twitter. What now?

This friend of mine, we will call her "Joan" just for kicks, said she was against Twitter as well, but was curious about it. "Joan" signed up and found this group on it called, "Women Who Launch." So, she started emailing one of the directors of the group and sent her resume. She was offered a position. Say what? Now, I am very happy for her, but I am kind of scared as well. She was my last comrade from my graduating class who was just as confused about life after college as me. Obviously, my social networking skills are not up to par because I'm pretty sure my emails to people are sent directly to their spam folders and they scan my calls so they are sent to voicemail. ("Shit, it's that Schultz person again, DENIED!") That's what it seems like any way. So, should I make a Twitter page, even though it's the portal of evil? Or, should I just keep sending out resumes every day hoping someone notices? You have to work hard and be agressive to achieve your goals, but how far is too far I wonder?

Remember when the internet didn't exist? Yeah, I don't either.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


I am addicted to the site videogum. Seriously, I spend way too much time on there just laughing at the screen. It's creepy. Anyway, I recently found this gem of a posting on the site.

Apparently, there is a movie coming out that is being described as, "An Epic Musical Romantic Adventure set in a mystical island kingdom where horses reign and birds keep watch." Yes. The Epic Musical Romantic Adventure (actual description) is the project of "Emmy Award Winning Composer Michael J. Lewis." This is going to be a FEATURE FILM. Made by someone who has an EMMY. What? I can't even talk about it anymore. I present to you the epic, "You Make My Day." Yes, the name of the movie is "You Make My Day." Yup.

Screw Make My Day, this Makes My Year.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


This past weekend was my Birthday. I turned twenty-three in case you were wondering blog. It was a really fun time, but only because of Mr. Spoons.

Yes, Mr. Spoons.

I started my evening by going to see "I Love You, Man." It was hilarious.
After the movie, it was still early and my friend and I were kind of bored so we thought of some stuff to do. Where could we go to have a few drinks and watch people sing classic eighties songs through the art of karaoke? Gloria's Griddle Grill in New Windsor of course!

Gloria's has karaoke every Saturday night and this week was their big contest. Everyone who sang was pretty average, until I saw a glittering in the corner of my eye. I heard the announcer say with pride beaming in his voice, "Can we get Mr. Spoons up to the stage please?" Out walks something from every child's nightmare.

A man, about eighty, wearing a top hat and a glitter vest saunters up to the stage. He will be singing "Sweet Georgia Brown." Just imagine any vaudeville type song you have ever heard in your life.

All of a sudden the crowd is swept back to the roaring twenties and that's when it happens. Mr. Spoons breaks out his playing spoons and starts banging on the tables. All you hear from the audience is chants of: "You're killing em' spoons", "Play them Spoons!", and then just shouts of "SPOONS, SPOONS, SPOONS!" I don't know if it was my drink, but I didn't know if what I was seeing was real. It was just one of those things that happens in this town that will probably never occur any where else. All my friend and I could do was laugh and chant "Spoons" with everyone else.

p.s. He has a website:

Thursday, March 12, 2009

First Entry

I don't know about you, but I am really tired of hearing the phrase "recession- proof." That baby is everywhere. I love how the media picks up on something such as "recession-proof" and bam all of sudden you have to "recession-proof" your house. Or if you go shopping you are no longer called a "fashionista" (That word is ridiculous too),no, now you are known to the world as a "recessionista." Ew.

I just don't understand why everyone in my life who is smart with their money and works hard, has to push through this economic mess and pay for other people's greed. I know life isn't fair, but whatever you can't trick me with your catchphrases. I know recession-proof really means, "Hey American public, buckle down so you can help the idiots who caused this mess." I shouldn't even comment on the current economy because even though I follow the news everyday, I still don't know how the hell this happened. I know I may sound bitter and no one wants to hear my white girl pain, but I also just graduated into the worst hell hole inferno economy in years. So yeah, I'm a little bitter.

So, you may be asking yourself why I named my blog after this brilliant phrase since I just complained about how much I hate it. The answer is simple: I like to think of myself as clever and "hip with the times." The economy might suck right now, but America can't take this blog away from me dammit. Unless a depression actually does occur, because who the hell is going to be able to afford a computer then? On that note: I am still jobless, living at home with my parents, and using their computer for free.

Loser? No. "Recession-Proof."