Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Million dollar idea?

For anyone who knows the Hudson Valley area you may know that there are some seriously creepy areas around here. One area that always weirds me out is route 9w going past Indian Point, which creepily enough is a massive power plant. You have to pass through all these small towns and there is always only one other car on the road or none at all. So, you basically feel like if your car breaks down there you are screwed. At the same time, it is a nice scenic route so I often choose to drive up this way if I can.

Yesterday, I was driving home from my brother's house and sure enough I chose this way to come home. This time there were zero cars on the road and it was a dark and cloudy day. Real scary movie weather. I'm traveling through the windy roads and I see something that catches my eye on the side of the road like a flash. One white sneaker. It was right by a heavily wooded area and just chilling there. Where was the other sneaker? Whose was it? Did a jogger get hit by a car and only his sneaker remained? Was someone disposing of this sneaker? Why was it there? These were all questions that popped into my mind and at that moment I wished I was a writer like Stephen King, because you know he could turn something like a lone sneaker on the side of the road into a million dollar novel. Damn.

1 comment:

  1. oh i totally agree that that kind of thing is way scarier in desolate areas. i mean, in the cities you've come to expect random shoes thrown over telephone wires, dangling by the laces. at least they weren't testing the indian point evacuation siren that day, because that would have freaked you out even more :)
